The 21st Nakao Kamakura, a snow house, Festival is held at 20:00 - 21:30 from 1 to 14 Feb . 5 min on foot.
You can enjoy Japanese snow houses, Kamakura, which are illuminated with candle lights beautifully and some events.
Nakao Meoto Jishi, a couple lion dance : 1, 4, 11 and 14 Feb
Pound Mochi, rice cake : Any day except the date above
Sorry, we don't have room available on Saturdays, but still have some on weekdays.
During the festival, we provide dinner only at 18:30. Thank you for your kind understanding.
When you go to the festival, please make you warm and wear non-slip shoes. The average temperature at night in Feb is 5-10 degrees below zero.